Test remote or on-site applicants on their basic math skills with an employment test.
Evaluate a candidate’s ability to identify whether a set of information is exactly alike or different using this multiple choice employment test.
Assess an applicant’s ability to solve basic mathematical equations, percentages and arithmetic with a financial accounting skills test.
Assess candidates on many different skills such as writing, language, math, vocabulary and attention to details with this writing and multiple choice employment test.
Measure candidates (entry-level through management) on how well the position they are applying for fits their personality with this thorough and highly effective multiple choice assessment.
Assess candidates on their interpersonal, customer service and teamwork skills as well as their workflow management abilities with this video-based employment test.
Measure applicants on work ethic and their ability to perform essential workplace tasks such as reading, writing and math with this thorough multiple choice assessment.
Test remote or on-site applicants on their Microsoft Excel skills with an interactive employment test.
Test remote or on-site applicants on their Microsoft Word skills with an interactive employment test.
Test remote or on-site applicants on their Microsoft Outlook skills with an interactive employment test.
Test remote or on-site applicants on their Microsoft PowerPoint skills with an interactive employment test.
Ensure your candidate can perform a variety of clerical tasks with this multi-section skills test.
Ensure candidates can enter information specific to the role you are trying to fill with a data entry test that has the perfect mix of alpha and numeric characters.
Assess an applicant’s ability to quickly and accurately enter alpha or numeric text using these realistic skills tests.
Administer this 2-part test to both remote and on-site applicants to see if they can effectively interact with customers.
Test remote or on-site applicants on their knowledge of general mechanical concepts.
Make informed hiring and promotion decisions with employee assessment tests that measure a candidate’s hard and soft skills. In addition to implementing job skills tests when hiring, strengthen your onboarding process with the appropriate hiring forms for new employees.