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Keep Current with Ever-Changing Employment Laws with New, Attorney-Developed Service

The legal and regulatory landscape for employers today is increasingly complex. Beyond workplace posters and handouts, you must keep abreast of specific federal, 

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How to Successfully Handle an Employee Disciplinary Meeting

Not many managers enjoy the prospect of calling an employee into a disciplinary meeting. But if you look at it as an opportunity to provide goal-focused feedback,

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Is Employee Conduct Outside the Workplace Open to Discipline?

Is there a clear legal boundary between an employee’s work activity, and their conduct outside the workplace? Not necessarily, which means an employer’s right to

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A Closer Look at 8 Scenarios for Firing an Employee Without Warning

Did you know that all states except Montana are ‘at will’ states? This means employers can terminate the employment relationship at any time with or without

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Hair’s the Deal: 20+ States Now Ban Natural Hair Discrimination (and the List is Growing)

An individual’s hair is a very personal matter and, increasingly, a protected characteristic in the workplace. Nationwide, states are tackling the issue

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What Is the ‘Quiet Hiring’ Trend — and Can it Work for Your Business?

‘Quiet hiring’ is the latest buzzword among business owners and HR professionals. But why is it a growing phenomenon -- and how is it shaping workforces today?

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Don’t Make These Mistakes: Tips for More Effective Performance Reviews

Done right, performance reviews can help employees improve and drive your company toward greater success. But if handled poorly, they can have harmful

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9 Practical Tactics for Managing and Enforcing Employee Attendance

It’s 40 minutes into an employee’s shift and he’s nowhere to be found. Worse yet, you haven’t heard from him about coming in late or having a problem

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Paying Hourly Employees: A Closer Look at 6 Situations Employers Often Get Wrong

When managing hourly, non-exempt employees, it’s critical to accurately track their hours and compensate them accordingly.  Under the Fair Labor Standards Act

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4 Meaningful Ways to Support Mental Health in the Workplace and Help Employees Thrive

The disruption of the past few years has left many of us feeling exhausted, overwhelmed and burned out. The stress is taking a particular toll in the workplace

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6 Difficult Firing Scenarios and How to Handle Them Fairly

Firing employees is never an easy or comfortable undertaking for managers. It requires careful thought and actions to avoid complications and the risk of

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Be Careful How You Respond: Wrong Termination Due to Retaliation is Always a Risk

When terminating employees, you know you can’t fire someone for discriminatory reasons, such as race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability and genetic

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