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Managing Employee Leave: 8 Real-World FMLA Scenarios You May Encounter

In most cases, the decision to approve or deny an employee’s request for time off is reasonably straightforward. Does the employee have

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How to Reskill and Upskill Employees to Harness AI’s Potential in the Workplace

In today’s rapidly evolving work world, artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing industries and transforming job roles. As AI becomes increasingly

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How Long Should You Keep Recruitment and Employment Records?

Over time, employee records can begin to accumulate and take up precious space. At which point you may be tempted to throw some of them out.

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Is Firing an Employee Without Warning Ever Acceptable? 11 Scenarios to Consider

When employee performance slips or policy violations occur, especially with remote workers where oversight might be different, navigating the appropriate response

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6 Key Strategies for Offboarding an Employee without Drama or Disruption

Managing a workforce is an endless cycle of welcomes and farewells. But the door you opened to hire an employee doesn’t have to slam shut when employees

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How to Get the Best Results with SMART Goals in Changing Work Environments

Whether your workforce is remote, on-site or a hybrid right now, the thread that can help tie everything together is clear, concise objectives. A good place to

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An Employer’s Blueprint to a Successful, Employee-Centric Return to Office

As we approach the four-year mark since the onset of the pandemic, bringing employees back to the office is a major focal point for employers nationwide. According

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First Amendment Freedom of Speech in the Workplace: Can Employees Say Anything They Want?

As Americans, we have a right to free speech. But does that protection apply to the workplace?  Many people wrongly assume the First Amendment to the U.S.

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One-on-One Meetings Falling Flat? Avoid These 5 Mistakes to Energize Conversations with Employees

One-on-one meetings are an often-overlooked gem of workplace communication. Done right, these conversations can drive productivity, foster

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10 Company Policies Every Small Business Should Consider

Workplace priorities and practices are changing — and employee manuals need to reflect those shifts. Up-to-date, attorney-approved company policies help put you

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Mastering the Art of Employee Retention: 5 Tactics for Boosting Loyalty and Longevity

From quiet quitting, persistent disengagement and the great resignation, the work world has been rocked by numerous issues in the past few years.  Challenges

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Preventing AI Bias in Hiring: 7 Tips for a Fair and Inclusive Process

Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing employee hiring, making the process more efficient, thorough and data driven. According to a 2022 Society for Human

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